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Knowing Yourself - A Medieval Romance Page 28


  Kay twined her fingers into Reese’s, looking out into the moonlit night to where, only a day ago, an overwhelming force had stood. Now the grasses rippled in the breeze, an owl called from a nearby tree, and behind them the sounds of celebration rang out from the keep.

  Reese pressed a gentle kiss on her forehead. “How are you feeling?”

  She leaned into him. “Happy. Tired, exhausted, sore, but happy.” Her eyes went up to his. “I never dreamt that it could be like this. That contentment could be so powerful.”

  He traced his hand down her cheek.

  A shooting star arced high above them. As Kay followed its movements, her eyes were caught by something. A shadow staggered across the field, its head down. Long, dark hair lifted in the breeze.

  Her voice caught. “A woman’s out there.”

  She moved quickly down the steps, Reese right behind her. In a moment the drawbridge had been lowered and they were striding, side by side, toward the figure.

  The woman’s head snapped up as they drew near, and her hand swept her side, as if reaching for a sword. But there was nothing there, and a low curse sprung from her lips.

  Kay could see now that the woman was about her age, with toned muscles as if she led an active life. Her brown eyes matched her auburn hair, and there was a hint of a brown dress showing beneath her dark cloak.

  The woman faced them with wary attention. “If you are bandits, it’s too late. Someone came across me last night while I slept and stole everything of value.” Her brow darkened. “Including my sword.”

  Kay glanced at Reese. “Might have been the MacDouglas, as they left our lands.” She turned back to the woman. “I am so sorry to hear that. My name is Kay, and this is Reese. We own Serenor - the keep behind us.”

  We. The word sang through her heart with joy.

  The woman nodded. “My name is Elizabeth. And it is not your fault. I should not have slept as deeply. I knew better than that.”

  Reese’s voice held compassion. “Why are you out here on your own?”

  She gave a low laugh. “My father was disappointed in me when I failed to win a tournament. He expressed his disappointment by locking me in the dungeon until I showed remorse for my faults.” She gave a tense shrug. “I decided on another option.”

  Kay’s heart went out to Elizabeth. “Don’t you have any other family you could turn to?”

  For a moment, Elizabeth’s eyes grew distant, and they shimmered with deep emotion. When she spoke again, her voice was rough. “My brother is dead.”

  Kay’s throat tightened. “I am so sorry.”

  Elizabeth ran a hand through her hair. “If I had only … but it does not matter. I have decided to head east. A friend of mine heads a nunnery there, and she has asked for my help. It seems I might be useful in keeping them safe.”

  She looked down at the empty spot at her hip, and shadows came across her face. “Well, I would have been.”

  A tingle shimmered at Kay’s hip.

  She looked down at her sword.

  Suddenly, the mysterious woman’s words came back to her, from when Kay was given the sword, all those nights ago in her chapel.

  Do not become too fond of Andetnes. When you have at last found contentment, there will be another whose fate balances on the point of a pin. You will know when it is right. And the sword will have a new mistress.

  She smiled. “Elizabeth, come in and join us. There is plenty of room at the celebration for all. And I think we can find a way to ensure your path goes the way you wish.

  Reese looked to Kay, his gaze shining with respect. He twined his fingers into hers.

  And Kay knew everything would be all right.

  * * *

  The Sword of Glastonbury series continues with Book 2, Finding Peace –